Kibbe Body Types: Understanding the 13 Different Categories

Kibbe Body Types is a system that helps individuals identify their body shape and dress accordingly. The system was created by David Kibbe, a fashion consultant, in the 1980s. The system categorizes body shapes into 13 types, which are grouped into five families: dramatic, classic, natural, gamine, and romantic.

Each Kibbe Body Type has its own unique characteristics, and individuals can use this system to identify which type they belong to. Once they have identified their body type, they can then use this information to dress in a way that flatters their body shape. This can include choosing clothing styles, fabrics, and accessories that complement their body type and enhance their natural beauty.

What is the Kibbe Body Type System?

The Kibbe Body Type System is a method of categorizing body types into different groups based on a person’s overall physical appearance and energy. It was created by David Kibbe, a personal stylist and image consultant, in 1987. The system is designed to help individuals understand their unique body shapes and styles, and how to dress in a way that flatters their natural features.

Kibbe Body Types

There are 13 different body types in the Kibbe system, each falling into one of five broad categories: Dramatics, Classics, Naturals, Gamines, and Romantics. Each category has its own set of defining characteristics, such as body shape, facial features, and energy. The system also takes into account a person’s individual preferences and personality, as well as their lifestyle and profession.

The Kibbe Body Type System is based on the concept of yin and yang, which refers to the balance between feminine and masculine energy. Each body type is classified as either yin-dominant, yang-dominant, or a blend of the two. The system also considers a person’s contrast level, which refers to the degree of difference between their skin, hair, and eye color.

To determine their Kibbe body type, individuals can take a quiz or work with a trained image consultant. Once they know their body type, they can use the system to guide their clothing choices, makeup, and hairstyle. The Kibbe system emphasizes the importance of dressing in a way that enhances a person’s natural features and energy, rather than trying to conform to a certain standard of beauty.

Understanding The Goals of The Kibbe Body Type System

The Kibbe Body Type System is not just about dressing to flatter your figure. It’s a holistic approach that aims to help you understand and embrace your unique physical features, personality traits, and overall essence. The goal of the system is not only to make you look good but also to feel confident and comfortable in your own skin.

By identifying your Kibbe body type, you can learn which clothing styles, textures, fabrics, colors, and accessories best suit your natural features. This knowledge can save you time and money when shopping for clothes since you’ll know exactly what works for you instead of trying on random pieces that may or may not be flattering.

Moreover, understanding your Kibbe body type can help boost your self-esteem by validating who you are as an individual. Instead of trying to fit into society’s narrow beauty standards or comparing yourself to others with different body types or personalities, the Kibbe system encourages acceptance and celebration of diversity.

Understanding Yin and Yang

Kibbe Body Types Introduction

The Kibbe Body Type System is based on the concept of yin and yang, which represent the balance of feminine and masculine energies in an individual’s physical appearance. Understanding yin and yang is essential to determine one’s body type accurately.

Yin and Yang

In the Kibbe Body Type System, each body type is a unique blend of yin and yang energies, resulting in a spectrum of 13 distinct types. The balance of yin and yang energies determines the overall impression of an individual’s physical appearance.

It is essential to note that yin and yang energies are neutral descriptors and are not based on weight or bust and butt measurements, which are common misconceptions of “curve.” The Kibbe Body Type System focuses on the overall balance of yin and yang energies, rather than specific body measurements.

Bone StructureSmallLarge
Facial FeaturesRounded and SoftAngular and Sharp
Hands and FeetSmall and DelicateLarge and Broad
Body ShapeCurvy and SoftStraight and Broad
Body MovementsSoft and FlowingSharp and Bold

Contrast and Blend in kibbe

Contrast and blend are also important concepts in Kibbe’s body type system. According to Kibbe, contrast refers to the use of opposing elements to create interest and energy in one’s appearance. For example, a person with a Soft Natural Kibbe body type may use contrasting elements of soft and flowing fabrics with bold, geometric patterns to create visual interest in their outfit.

On the other hand, blending refers to the harmonious combination of elements to create a cohesive and balanced appearance. This can be achieved by using similar lines, textures, or colors in an outfit. For example, a person with a Romantic Kibbe body type may create a harmonious and balanced look by using soft and flowing fabrics in similar pastel shades throughout their outfit.

In Kibbe’s body type system, contrast and blend are used to enhance one’s natural features and create a more balanced and harmonious appearance. The use of contrast and blend can be achieved through various techniques such as the choice of fabrics, colors, patterns, and accessories.

For example, a Soft Dramatic Kibbe Body type may use contrasting elements of sharp, angular lines with soft, flowing fabrics to create a dynamic and interesting look. At the same time, they may use blending techniques by choosing statement pieces of jewelry that complement their natural features and balance the outfit.

5 Kibbe Body Families

Kibbe Body Types Introduction

The Kibbe System is composed of 13 individual types, but they all fall along the axis of 5 main families: Classic, Gamine, Dramatic, Natural, and Romantic. Each type has its own set of physical characteristics, such as bone structure, facial features, and body shape. Understanding your Kibbe Body Type can help you dress in a way that flatters your natural features and enhances your overall image.

Here is a breakdown of the five main families:


The dramatic body type is tall, vertical, and angular. It is composed of all sharp yang features in body structure, flesh, and facial features. Individuals with this body type have a strong bone structure, elongated limbs, and sharp facial features.

People with dramatic body types have a presence that stands out in a crowd. The head is usually narrow with a long face, high forehead, and prominent chin. Facial features usually include a strong jawline and a wide-spaced eyes. The body of a dramatic body type is long, thin and angular. Shoulder width is wider than hip width, and the waist is narrow. The overall look is tall and vertical with a strong and athletic frame.


Natural kibbe body type typically have a medium bone structure and well-proportioned body shape. They have a rounded and slightly soft facial bone structure, with a balanced feature placement. Their body is slightly muscular with a moderate waistline, giving them a relaxed and unconstructed look.

Their shoulders are moderately defined and not too broad or narrow. Their arms and legs are well-proportioned and appear naturally toned. Their natural bodily balance allows them to wear a variety of styles with ease, including casual and formal outfits without looking too over or underdressed.

Some of the key characteristics of a natural kibbe body type include rounded and slightly soft facial features; a medium bone structure; balanced proportions; a slightly muscular build; and a relaxed, unconstructed appearance. Fashion choices for natural kibbe body types should focus on styles that enhance their inherent balance and simplicity, while avoiding overly ornate or fussy designs that detract from their natural charm.


The Classic Kibbe body type is characterized by a balanced blend of Yin and Yang features, resulting in a timeless, elegant, and sophisticated appearance. This body type exhibits a moderate to medium bone structure, rounded facial features, and naturally symmetrical facial features.

Individuals with a Classic Kibbe body type have a proportional body size with moderate curves. They have a moderate to low waistline, with a combination of soft curves and slight angles in their body shape, making them look somewhat athletic but still feminine. They have medium-sized hands and feet and a neck of moderate length.

Their facial features are harmonious, with balanced proportions and classic shapes. They have slightly rounded yet defined cheekbones, a softly squared jawline, and a straight nose bridge. The Classic Kibbe body type has a certain innate elegance in their appearance that exudes refinement and sophistication.

Fashion choices for Classic Kibbe body type should highlight their natural balance and symmetry. They should opt for clean lines, classic shapes, and neutral colors that exude elegance and sophistication.


The Gamine Kibbe body type is a lively and playful body type that is petite in size but with sharp and angular features. This body type is characterized by a balanced blend of Yin and Yang features that result in a youthful and sassy appearance.

Individuals with a Gamine Kibbe body type have a small and compact bone structure that gives them an overall petite look. They have narrow and angular facial features with a sharp jawline, expressive eyes, a small nose, and a petite mouth.

Their body shape is characterized by a sharp and angular outline with a straight and narrow shoulder line. They often have a short waist, flat hips, and a small bust. They have slim arms and legs with a well-defined, angular shape.

The Gamine Kibbe body type exudes energy and liveliness, which is reflected in their fashion choices. They can carry off bold and daring designs with ease and can play around with different textures, colors, and patterns to create their unique and distinctive style.

Their fashion choices should reflect their playfulness and liveliness and should include pieces that are bold, edgy, and quirky. They should opt for clothes with sharp edges, bold jewelry, and playful accessories. The Gamine Kibbe body type can pull off short hairstyles, sharp bangs, and asymmetrical haircuts with ease.


The Romantic Kibbe body type is characterized by a balance of Yin and Yang features that result in a soft, delicate, and ethereal appearance. This body type is often associated with traditional ideas of femininity and is characterized by a delicate bone structure, a soft, round body shape, and a friendly and approachable facial expression.

Individuals with a Romantic Kibbe body type have a gentle and delicate bone structure, with a small and rounded face, delicate hands and feet, and a slightly elongated torso. They have a softly rounded body shape with curves that are evenly distributed throughout their figure.

Their facial features are typically harmonious, with soft and full cheekbones, a slightly rounded and soft jawline, and a small nose and a full mouth. They often have large, expressive eyes with long eyelashes, which enhance their delicate and feminine appearance.

Fashion choices for the Romantic Kibbe body type should highlight their soft and delicate features. They should opt for curves and textures that emphasize their feminine persona, such as ruffles, lace, and soft, flowing fabrics. They should also choose clothing that flatters their curves and highlights their hourglass silhouette.

The Romantic Kibbe body type can carry off a wide range of hairstyles, from long and flowing locks to delicate, wispy up-dos that showcase their soft and gentle features. Jewelry choices should be soft, delicate, and feminine. They can incorporate jewelry pieces with soft and rounded curves, such as pearls, and delicate gemstones that enhance their beauty.

The Different Kibbe Body Types

Kibbe body types are a categorization system that helps people identify their unique body shape and provide fashion guidelines that complement their figure. The Kibbe system has ten body types, which are further classified into five groups based on the principles of Yin and Yang. Yin represents delicate features while Yang represents sharper features.

Dramatic Classic

The Dramatic Classic Kibbe Body Type is a combination of the sharp and angular features of Dramatic Type with the moderate bone structure and balanced proportions of Classic Type. Individuals with this body type have a tall and lean appearance with a moderate to long bone structure, symmetrical lines, and elegant proportions.

Their body shape is characterized by a toned, athletic build with long, straight, and defined lines. They have broad shoulders, a prominent and angular jawline, and a square-looking face with moderate facial features. They have an elongated torso, long legs, and arms, creating a regal and statuesque appearance.

Fashion choices for Dramatic Classic body type should combine the sophistication and elegance of classic fashion with the sharp and modern appeal of dramatic fashion. They should opt for streamlined and tailored styles that enhance their natural curves and accentuate their vertical line.

Their color palette should consist of deep and rich colors that complement their dramatic and classic features. They can incorporate various textures, such as silk, leather, and other body fit materials, that elevate their appearance.

Hairstyles for Dramatic Classic Kibbe Body Type should harmonize with their sharp and angular features. They should opt for straight and sharp haircuts with blunt or choppy ends that complement the symmetrical lines of their face.

Soft Natural

The Soft Natural Kibbe body type is characterized by a mix of yang strength and yin elegance, resulting in a natural, relaxed, and effortless appearance. This body type has a moderate bone structure, with evenly distributed curves and a relaxed silhouette.

Individuals with a Soft Natural Kibbe body type have a slightly wider and fleshy face with soft and full facial features, soft skin texture, and a long neck. They have a gently rounded and symmetrical bone structure, and they have a slightly hourglass shape, with a moderate bust, waist, and hips.

Their overall look is relaxed and unconstructed, with a natural charm that is neither too rigid nor too soft. Soft Natural types should choose styles that are flowing and natural in style, with fabrics that accentuate their natural curves without constricting them.

Fashion choices for Soft Natural body type should focus on texture and relaxed lines that highlight their curves. They should opt for clothing that adopts a relaxed and flowy construction such as skirts, loose-fit blouses, and pants. The colors that suit them include light, natural hues, including warm browns and yellows, as well as earthy and muted tones like olive, rust, and copper.

Soft Natural Kibbe Body Type can carry off a variety of hairstyles, ranging from long waves to natural curls that reflect their relaxed and effortless style. They can also pull off haircuts with layers and natural texture.

Soft Classic

The Soft Classic Kibbe body type is a combination of the moderate bone structure and soft curves of the Classic body type with the gentle and relaxed appearance of the Soft body type. Individuals with this body type have a well-proportioned body shape with moderate curves and a balanced bone structure.

Their facial features are soft and gently rounded, with a slightly prominent cheekbone and brow. They have a balanced facial appearance with symmetrical lines and pleasant features, including a soft and full lip, a slightly pointed nose, and round-shaped eyes.

Their body shape is balanced, with curves that are softly defined and evenly distributed, giving them a gentle and approachable appearance.

Fashion choices for Soft Classic Kibbe body type mostly should prefer a harmonious, graceful, and elegant overall look. They should opt for clothing with flowing, relaxed silhouettes and gentle curves that highlight their natural features. The color palette should consist of soft, muted colors and earthy tones, such as warm browns, blues, and greens.

Hairstyles for Soft Classic Kibbe body type should augment their softness and gentleness. They should opt for natural-looking hair colors and styles, such as soft layers that frame their face or natural waves that cascade gently around the shoulders. They can also experiment with bangs to enhance their soft facial features and aesthetics.

Soft Gamine

The Soft Gamine Kibbe body type combines the playful and youthful features of the Gamine type with the soft and delicate features of the Soft body type. Individuals with this body type have a small and delicate bone structure with slightly defined curves and playful angles.

Their facial features are petite and lively, with a rounded forehead, small nose, and short lips. Their body shape is characterized by petite and delicate curves, with a short and narrow waist, gentle shoulders, and a slightly rounded lower body.

Fashion choices for Soft Gamine Kibbe body type should focus on playful and youthful styles with a mix of structured and flowing elements. They should opt for clothing with bold lines and sharp angles that complement their petite build and angular features. Soft Gamine body types can wear a mix of fun and bold colors that highlight their playful and vibrant persona.

Hairstyles for Soft Gamine Kibbe body type should reflect their youthfulness and fun personality. They can experiment with short haircuts, curly styles, or playful ponytails with a fringe or bangs to highlight their sharp and angular facial features.

Soft Gamine Kibbe body type has a playful and youthful appearance that allows them to carry off daring and unconventional styles and fashions. They should opt for styles that create a balance between structure and flow, accentuating their petite build and sharp angles.

Flamboyant Gamine

Flamboyant Gamine body types have a bold and daring look, with a petite and compact frame, sharp facial features, and a rounded body shape. They prefer edgy and unconventional clothing, such as leather jackets, studded boots, and graphic prints. They look best in clothing that adds volume to their hips and thighs and emphasizes their small waistline.

Their facial features are petite and defined, with a sharp and angular jawline, a small nose, and an expressive, large eye. Their bone structure is marked by a combination of sharp angles and asymmetrical lines, creating a vibrant and bold appearance.

Their body shape is characterized by a petite and compact build, with broad shoulders, a small bust, and a narrow waist. This body type has a slender lower body with slender legs and a taut posterior.

The style for the Flamboyant Gamine Kibbe body type is all about creativity, fun, and boldness. Individuals with this body type should opt for daring and unusual styles that play with the asymmetry of their body shape. They can play with a mix of vibrant and bold colors, with unique textures and patterns.

Hairstyles for Flamboyant Gamine Kibbe body type should create a sense of drama and boldness, playing with asymmetrical lines and blunt cuts. They can also experiment with bold colors and highlights to complement their bold and playful style.

Classic Gamine

The Classic Gamine Kibbe Body type is a combination of the refined and balanced features of the Classic Type, with the sharp and playful lines of the Gamine Type. Individuals with this body type have a petite build with a symmetrical and well-proportioned appearance.

Their facial features are petite and proportional, with a sharp jawline, a small nose, and a balanced facial appearance. Their bone structure is defined by sharp lines and angles, giving them a playful and youthful appearance.

Their body shape is characterized by a petite and compact build with a well-proportioned appearance. They have a balanced bust, waist, and hips, with a slightly elongated torso.

Fashion choices for the Classic Gamine Kibbe body type should reflect their playful and youthful appearance. They should opt for a mix of classic and trendy styles, with structured lines and playful elements. They can experiment with bold colors and patterns, and they can have fun with asymmetrical lines and an array of textures.

Hairstyles for the Classic Gamine Kibbe Body type should emphasize their sharp and angular facial features. They can experiment with short haircuts, fun bangs or sleek braids that accentuate their sharp facial features and playful persona.

Theatrical Romantic

Kibbe body types

Theatrical Romantic body types have a dramatic and sensual look, with a curvy and voluptuous frame, delicate facial features, and a soft bone structure. They prefer glamorous and luxurious clothing, such as silk gowns, fur coats, and statement jewelry. They look best in clothing that emphasizes their curves and adds subtle details, such as ruffles or bows.

Their facial features are soft and feminine, with full lips, a rounded forehead, a small nose, and almond-shaped eyes. They have a delicate bone structure with gentle curves, giving them a delicate and ethereal look.

Their body shape is characterized by a moderate to long bone structure, a slightly narrow waist, and a full bust. The Theatrical Romantic Kibbe Body type creates a soft hourglass silhouette that emphasizes femininity and grace.

Fashion choices for the Theatrical Romantic Kibbe Body type should reflect their soft and feminine appearance. They should opt for styles that incorporate delicate, flowing fabrics, such as silk and lace, with bold, flamboyant patterns and rich colors. They can play with asymmetrical lines and unique textures to create a dramatic and unique look.

Hairstyles for Theatrical Romantic Kibbe Body type should create an ethereal and delicate appearance. They can play with soft waves, curls, or intricate braids that accentuate their soft and feminine facial features. Accessories such as ribbons, flowers, and delicate jewelry will complete their delightful appearance.

Soft Dramatic

The Soft Dramatic Kibbe Body Type is characterized by a blend of the yin features of the Soft Body Type and the yang features of the Dramatic Body Type, resulting in a balanced yet striking appearance. Individuals with this type have a moderate to long bone structure with noticeable curves and sharp angles.

Their facial features are characterized by a combination of delicate yin features, such as a rounded nose and full lips, with dramatic yang features, like a prominent forehead and sharp cheekbones. Their body shape is marked by a slender and elongated appearance, with well-defined curves and sharp angles, creating a stunning and striking appearance.

Fashion choices for Soft Dramatic Kibbe Body Type should create a striking and sophisticated appearance. They should opt for clothing that highlights their curves, such as fitted dresses, structured jackets, and fitted pants. They can play with textures and fabrics to create a unique and striking appearance, choosing luxurious fabrics such as silk, leather, and velvet.

Colors that flatter the Soft Dramatic Kibbe Body Type include rich and bold hues such as deep blues, browns, and reds. They should also experiment with metallic tones such as gold, silver, and bronze.

Hairstyles for Soft Dramatic Kibbe Body Type should create a harmonious and balanced appearance. They can play with the length of their hair, opting for mid to long-length hairstyles with sharp layers that create striking angles.

Flamboyant Natural

The Flamboyant Natural Kibbe body type is characterized by a strong, sharp, and angular appearance. Individuals with this body type have a bold bone structure, with sharp lines and asymmetrical angles.

Their facial features are striking and well-defined, with a strong jawline, high cheekbones, and deep-set eyes. Their body shape is marked by broad shoulders, a moderately defined waist, and a strong, athletic build.

Fashion choices for Flamboyant Natural Kibbe body type should emphasize their bold and dramatic appearance. They should opt for clothing with asymmetrical lines and bold textures, such as leather, denim, and suede. The color palette should consist of bold and vibrant colors such as earthy browns, greens, and blues.

Hairstyles for Flamboyant Natural Kibbe body type should accentuate their bold and striking facial features. They can experiment with shorter hairstyles with blunt ends, or long hairstyles with natural curls or waves.

Flamboyant Gamine

Individuals with this body type have a petite build with sharp, angular, and asymmetrical features, creating a striking and vibrant appearance.

Their facial features are petite and defined, with a sharp and angular jawline, a small nose, and expressive, large eyes. Their bone structure is defined by sharp angles and asymmetrical lines, giving them a dramatic and bold appearance.

Their body shape is characterized by a petite, compact build with broad shoulders and small hips. Flamboyant Gamine Kibbe Body type has a slender lower body with slender legs and a taut posterior.

Fashion choices for Flamboyant Gamine Kibbe Body type should reflect their bold, playful, and youthful personality. They should opt for daring and unconventional styles that emphasize asymmetry and bold patterns. They can play with a mix of vibrant and bold colors and textures.

Hairstyles for Flamboyant Gamine Kibbe Body type should create a sense of drama and boldness, playing with the asymmetrical lines, bold colors, and textures. They can experiment with short haircuts, curly styles, or playful ponytails with a fringe or bangs to highlight their sharp and angular facial features.

How to Determine Your Kibbe Body Type

Determining your Kibbe body type can be a bit tricky, but it is essential to get accurate results. According to the Kibbe system, the principles of Yin and Yang should be followed to figure out your body type, where Yin is more delicate features while Yang is sharper.

The first section covers your body’s bone structure, which is not subject to fluctuations in weight. This is the most important section and will almost always determine your Kibbe body type. Here are some tips to help you determine your Kibbe body type.

  • Stand in front of a full-length mirror and observe your bone structure. Look at your shoulders, hips, and facial features.
  • Determine if you have a sharp or blunt bone structure. Sharp bone structure is more Yang, while blunt bone structure is more Yin.
  • Look at your shoulders. If they are wider than your hips, you are more Yang. If they are narrower than your hips, you are more Yin.
  • Look at your facial features. If you have sharp, angular facial features, you are more Yang. If you have soft, rounded facial features, you are more Yin.
  • Look at your hands and feet. If they are small and delicate, you are more Yin. If they are large and angular, you are more Yang.

Once you have determined your bone structure, you can move on to the next section, which is your flesh. This section covers your body’s flesh and how it relates to your bone structure. Here are some tips to help you determine your flesh section.

  • Look at your body’s curves. If you have sharp, angular curves, you are more Yang. If you have soft, rounded curves, you are more Yin.
  • Look at your body’s weight distribution. If your weight is evenly distributed, you are more Yin. If your weight is concentrated in one area, you are more Yang.
  • Look at your body’s vertical line. If you have a long vertical line, you are more Yang. If you have a short vertical line, you are more Yin.

Once you have determined your bone and flesh sections, you can move on to the final section, which is your facial features. This section covers your facial features and how they relate to your bone structure. Here are some tips to help you determine your facial features section.

  • Look at your facial features. If you have sharp, angular facial features, you are more Yang. If you have soft, rounded facial features, you are more Yin.
  • Look at your facial features’ size. If your features are small and delicate, you are more Yin. If your features are large and angular, you are more Yang.

Characteristics of Each Kibbe Body Type


  • Height and Bone Structure: Tall and elongated bone structure with sharp angles.
  • Body Flesh and Weight: Moderate to thin with minimal curves.
  • Facial Flesh and Bone Structure: Angular and sharp facial features.
  • Vertical Line: Long vertical line.
  • Angularity and Sharpness: Sharp and angular edges.
  • Blended Yin and Yang: Yang dominant with a touch of Yin.
  • Contrast: High contrast between bone structure and flesh.


  • Height and Bone Structure: Moderate to tall with balanced bone structure.
  • Body Flesh and Weight: Evenly spaced with moderate curves.
  • Facial Flesh and Bone Structure: Symmetrical and balanced facial features.
  • Vertical Line: Balanced vertical line.
  • Angularity and Sharpness: Soft and blunt edges.
  • Blended Yin and Yang: Balanced Yin and Yang.
  • Contrast: Moderate contrast between bone structure and flesh.


  • Height and Bone Structure: Moderate height with balanced bone structure.
  • Body Flesh and Weight: Evenly spaced with an hourglass figure.
  • Facial Flesh and Bone Structure: Symmetrical and balanced facial features.
  • Vertical Line: Balanced vertical line.
  • Angularity and Sharpness: Soft and blunt edges.
  • Blended Yin and Yang: Balanced Yin and Yang.
  • Contrast: Low to moderate contrast between bone structure and flesh.


  • Height and Bone Structure: Short to moderate height with slight sharpness.
  • Body Flesh and Weight: Petite with slight curves.
  • Facial Flesh and Bone Structure: Slightly sharp and angular facial features.
  • Vertical Line: Short vertical line.
  • Angularity and Sharpness: Slight sharpness.
  • Blended Yin and Yang: Balanced Yin and Yang.
  • Contrast: Low contrast between bone structure and flesh.


  • Height and Bone Structure: Moderate to short height with soft bone structure.
  • Body Flesh and Weight: Curvy with softness.
  • Facial Flesh and Bone Structure: Soft and rounded facial features.
  • Vertical Line: Short vertical line.
  • Angularity and Sharpness: Soft and rounded edges.
  • Blended Yin and Yang: Yin dominant with a touch of Yang.
  • Contrast: Low contrast between bone structure and flesh.

Flamboyant Natural

  • Height and Bone Structure: Tall with balanced bone structure.
  • Body Flesh and Weight: Evenly spaced with moderate curves.
  • Facial Flesh and Bone Structure: Symmetrical and balanced facial features.
  • Vertical Line: Balanced vertical line.
  • Angularity and Sharpness: Blunt and sharp edges.
  • Blended Yin and Yang: Balanced Yin and Yang.
  • Contrast: High contrast between bone structure and flesh.

Soft Natural

  • Height and Bone Structure: Moderate to tall with soft bone structure.
  • Body Flesh and Weight: Evenly spaced with moderate curves.
  • Facial Flesh and Bone Structure: Soft and rounded facial features.
  • Vertical Line: Balanced vertical line.
  • Angularity and Sharpness: Soft and rounded edges.
  • Blended Yin and Yang: Yin dominant with a touch of Yang.
  • Contrast: Low contrast between bone structure and flesh.

Theatrical Romantic

  • Height and Bone Structure: Short with soft bone structure.
  • Body Flesh and Weight: Curvy with softness.
  • Facial Flesh and Bone Structure: Soft and rounded facial features.
  • Vertical Line: Short vertical line.
  • Angularity and Sharpness: Soft and rounded edges.
  • Blended Yin and Yang: Yin dominant with a touch of Yang.
  • Contrast: Low contrast between bone structure and flesh.

Soft Gamine

  • Height and Bone Structure: Short with slight sharpness.
  • Body Flesh and Weight: Petite with softness.
  • Facial Flesh and Bone Structure: Soft and rounded facial features.
  • Vertical Line: Short vertical line.
  • Angularity and Sharpness: Slight sharpness.
  • Blended Yin and Yang: Yin dominant with a touch of Yang.
  • Contrast: Low contrast between bone structure and flesh.

Flamboyant Gamine

  • Height and Bone Structure: Short with slight sharpness.
  • Body Flesh and Weight: Petite with slight curves.
  • Facial Flesh and Bone Structure: Slightly sharp and angular facial features.
  • Vertical Line: Short vertical line.
  • Angularity and Sharpness: Sharp and angular edges.
  • Blended Yin and Yang: Balanced Yin and Yang.
  • Contrast: High contrast between bone structure and flesh.

How to Dress for Your Kibbe Body Type

When it comes to dressing for your Kibbe body type, it’s important to keep in mind the overall balance of your body. Each Kibbe body type has its own unique characteristics, and dressing to enhance those features can help you look and feel your best.

  • For Dramatic body types, clothing that emphasizes strong, angular lines can be flattering. This can include tailored blazers, structured dresses, and high-waisted pants. Avoid overly frilly or flowy styles, as they can detract from the dramatic effect.
  • Naturals, on the other hand, look best in clothing that is comfortable and relaxed. Think loose-fitting tops, wide-leg pants, and flowy maxi dresses. Avoid anything too structured or overly embellished, as it can look out of place on a Natural body type.
  • Classics should aim for timeless, sophisticated styles that emphasize their symmetrical bone structure. This can include tailored blazers, A-line skirts, and simple, elegant dresses. Avoid anything too trendy or overly embellished, as it can detract from the Classic look.
  • Gamines can have fun with their clothing choices, opting for bold prints, playful details, and quirky accessories. This can include cropped jackets, patterned skirts, and statement jewelry. Avoid anything too fussy or overly girly, as it can clash with the Gamine aesthetic.
  • Romantics look best in soft, feminine styles that enhance their curves and delicate features. This can include flowing dresses, ruffled blouses, and fitted skirts. Avoid anything too boxy or overly masculine, as it can detract from the Romantic effect.

Kibbe body type test

  1. What is the shape of your face?
    a. A sharp, angular jawline
    b. A softly curved jawline
  2. How would you describe your shoulders?
    a. Broad and prominent
    b. Sloping and narrow
  3. What is the shape of your upper torso?
    a. Straight and squared
    b. Hourglass-shaped with a defined waist
  4. What are the proportions of your arms and legs?
    a. Long and narrow
    b. Short and full
  5. How would you describe your hips?
    a. Wide and prominent
    b. Straight and narrow
  6. What is the shape of your body’s overall silhouette?
    a. Angular and bold
    b. Soft and curved
  7. How would you describe your hands and feet?
    a. Large and prominent
    b. Small and delicate
  8. How would you describe your overall body shape?
    a. Dramatic and striking
    b. Soft and romantic

Based on the answers to these questions, a person’s body type can be identified as being in one of the following categories:

Dramatic (sharp angular features, prominent bones, long limbs)
Romantic (soft curved features, full breasts and hips, short limbs)
Classic (balanced and symmetrical features, moderate size and proportions)
Natural (relaxed and athletic features, straight torso and limbs)
Gamine (youthful and boyish features, petite and compact frame)
Flamboyant (bold and exaggerated features, strong presence and impact)


The Kibbe Body Type System is a great tool for anyone looking to dress in a way that flatters their unique body shape. By understanding your Kibbe Body Type, you can learn which styles and clothing cuts will work best for you.

Remember, it’s important to not feel restricted by your body type classification. These guidelines are meant to help guide your fashion choices but ultimately, wear what makes you feel confident and comfortable.

By following the tips in this article on how to determine your Kibbe Body Type and the various styles recommended for each type, you’ll be well on your way to dressing like a true fashionista!

Also Read: Kibbie Soft Classic Body Type Complete Guide

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